St Mary Magdalen Church
Registered Charity No. 1130923

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Friends of St Mary's
Our Vision
Our vision for Knighton, and for all of us, is Faith for Life – based on the words of Jesus: “I have come that they may have life; life in all its fullness” (John 10.10). Together we seek to discover and share life in all its fullness – following the way of Jesus and encouraging others to follow and come to faith in him.
St Mary’s has been greatly blessed by God over the years and now our mission is to use and share our blessings to build the Kingdom of God in this time. In doing this, we have given ourselves five objectives:
to worship God well - using traditional and new ways, so that everyone can encounter God and grow in faith; (John 4.23-4)
to explore and follow the way of Jesus - learning together from the wisdom of the Bible, Christian traditions, and our wider society, and seeking to be led by God’s Spirit. (John 15.1-17)
to connect better with our community – to broaden and deepen our connections with all parts of the local community and to help others in need. (Luke 10.25-37)
to welcome everyone as equally valued - especially those who often feel left out; (Matthew 25.31-45)
to share our faith in Jesus with others – encouraging them to follow and come to faith in him too. (Matthew 28.19-20)
These are challenging times for all of us though, and we will only make progress with God's help and with the support of every member of the church family. We believe in a generous God however! He will surely give us the gifts, the abilities, the people and the resources we need to build his Kingdom if we are ready to follow his way. Please do listen for God's voice and if you hear the prompting, come and join us!
in friendship and Christ's service
Adrian Jones, Vicar
Safeguarding : If you have an immediate concern about the welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult, please do not delay in contacting our Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator (post currently vacant) or our minister, Revd Adrian Jones, 0116 270 4268, email adrian.jones@zoho.com
The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer is Rachael Spiers : 0116 261 6341 rachael.spiers@leccofe.org
The new number for out of hours (weekends and evenings) safeguarding cover is now 0303 0031111, and is hosted by Thirtyone:eight. Callers should state that they are from the Diocese of Leicester.
Church Diary - may take a few moments to load!